Microsoft Copilot 101

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It’s official: We’re in the future! Today, artificial intelligence intertwines with the fabric of our daily lives. A brand-new tool currently being used to take advantage of this technological development is Microsoft Copilot, an AI-powered assistant designed to help with even the most complicated business endeavors. 

Whether it’s Copilot or something else, there are some benefits to putting AI tools to work for you.

Empower Your Team

If you want to learn more about Microsoft Copilot, you can use it as an AI assistant.  Whether you’re browsing the web or making important business decisions, Copilot offers useful assistance by recommending information quickly. With its collaboration with Bing’s AI-powered search capabilities, Copilot presents concise answers to your search engine queries, simplifying the information you need. 

Copilot can also aid in creative projects, much like ChatGPT. It can produce outlines for projects, eliminating the “fear of the blank page” and offering help if you’re struggling for inspiration. One of the most popular uses of AI lies in its potential to create organized written material, a service that can help you build your own ideas and strengthen business documents.

Elevate Work Efficiency

Included in the Microsoft 365 universe, Copilot offers efficiency for various business needs, including virtual meetings. Within Microsoft Teams, Copilot aids in the productivity of meetings by facilitating smooth communication, organizing discussions and using voice-to-chat to summarize key points. Thanks to these features, even team members who aren’t in attendance can feel comfortable and caught up. 

Your team’s AI department can benefit from Copilot’s AI-generated code suggestions directly within their coding environment. Overall, this tool and many other choices of AI assistants create new paths of organization and connection for you and your team members. 

Accessibility and Simplicity

Copilot is accessible across various Microsoft products, including both free features and premium options offered through subscription plans. Incorporating this tool or other AI programs into your everyday workflow can be a productive move toward a more organized future for your business. 

Microsoft offers a range of Copilot products tailored to differing needs, as well as additional apps and programs to choose from. Embracing the new, modern potential of AI may just be what your business needs to cultivate a new range of successes and growth. 

Learn More About Microsoft Copilot and AI

Is Copilot the right fit for you? Possibly. We’re happy to discuss the use cases and introduce you to other tools in the world of AI. Contact OrlanTech to set up a meeting. Let’s chat about how the power of AI can best benefit your business in new and exciting ways



OrlanTech is a managed service provider (MSP) that was founded in 1995 and is now the market leader in delivering technology-as-a-service to small and medium size businesses (SMB) in the central Florida area.

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