Internal IT Overwhelmed? Try Fully Managed IT Support

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Because businesses today are increasingly reliant on technology to drive productivity and innovation, they often hire IT teams to help manage their technology. However, as the demand for robust managed IT services grows, so do the challenges faced by those same internal IT teams, making fully managed IT support a viable option. 

In this blog post, we explore the issues that can arise when relying on an internal IT person or team and how the switch to fully managed IT support, like we offer at OrlanTech, can be just what your business is looking for.

The Dangers of Relying on a Lone IT Warrior

Having a single internal IT support person might seem like a cost-effective solution, but it comes with its fair share of challenges. Imagine your designated IT hero handling everything from troubleshooting and maintenance to strategic planning and cybersecurity

It’s a tall order, and here’s why:

1. Expertise Limitations 

No matter how skilled your internal IT worker is, they may not have expertise across all facets of IT. From network administration to managing your cloud, relying on a single person to keep track of all your tech isn’t the greatest idea. 

A single individual may struggle to keep up with the rapid changes in multiple domains.

2. Overwhelming Workload 

The sheer volume of tasks associated with IT management can quickly overwhelm a lone team member. From addressing user issues to managing software updates and ensuring data security, the workload can become a significant source of stress, leading to burnout and decreased efficiency.

3. Dependency Risks

Relying on a single IT professional means that your business operations are at risk if that person is unavailable due to illness, vacation or any other reason. A sudden absence could lead to downtime, affecting your productivity and potentially causing financial losses.

Imagine if your organization is hit with a cyberattack, and the one person who knows how to handle it is out of the office. You don’t want to put yourself in that position.

Is Hiring a Full Internal IT Team the Ideal Solution?

So, hiring one IT professional clearly isn’t enough. Why not hire a whole team?

While having a team of internal IT experts might sound like the perfect solution, it’s often out of reach for many businesses due to budget constraints. 

Here’s why building an in-house IT dream team might not be a feasible option:

1. Costs 

Recruiting, training and retaining a team of skilled IT professionals can be a costly affair. From salaries and benefits to ongoing training and infrastructure, the financial burden can quickly escalate, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises.

2. Resource Allocation Challenges 

Building an internal IT team requires not just financial resources but also time and effort for recruitment, onboarding and team cohesion. These resources could be better utilized in focusing on your core business functions.

3. Scalability Issues

Business needs are dynamic and maintaining a full internal IT team might lead to scalability challenges. During slower periods, you may find your IT experts underutilized, while during periods of growth or system upgrades, they may struggle to keep up with the increased workload.

The bottom line? You have to have capacity planning in mind when it comes to figuring out your IT needs.

The Fully Managed IT Support Solution

So, what’s the alternative to these internal IT challenges? 

Having an expert outsourced team of IT professionals dedicated to alleviating the burdens faced by businesses relying on internal IT solutions is critical to your business’s success. 

Here’s why making the switch is your best option:

1. Comprehensive Expertise 

When you outsource your IT team, you gain access to experts across various IT domains, ensuring that your technology infrastructure is in capable hands. From cybersecurity to network management, managed service providers like OrlanTech fill any knowledge gaps your team may have.

And speaking of filling knowledge gaps, check out our cybersecurity awareness training.

2. 24/7 Support

Forget about downtime due to team member unavailability. An outsourced fully managed IT provider can give you round-the-clock support, ensuring that your business operations remain uninterrupted, even during off-hours or holidays.

3. Cost-Effective Solutions 

Enjoy the benefits of a full IT team without the financial strain. OrlanTech’s fully managed IT support offers cost-effective solutions tailored to your business needs, allowing you to allocate resources where they matter most.

4. Scalability and Flexibility 

The right IT support services are designed to scale with your business. Whether you’re expanding or streamlining operations, you should seek flexible solutions that can adapt to your evolving IT requirements.

Fully Managed IT Support Can Elevate Your Business

The choice between an internal team and outsourced managed IT support is clear. Outsourced managed IT support empowers businesses to overcome the challenges associated with internal IT solutions, providing expertise, reliability and cost-effective solutions. 

If you want to explore your managed service provider options, contact us or book a meeting

Make the switch today and experience the seamless operations that come with having a dedicated team of IT professionals at your service.



OrlanTech is a managed service provider (MSP) that was founded in 1995 and is now the market leader in delivering technology-as-a-service to small and medium size businesses (SMB) in the central Florida area.

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