Creating an Employee Technology Policy: Help From a Cybersecurity Services Provider

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Are you putting off the task of drafting an employee technology policy? It doesn’t seem like an easy task, especially if you don’t have a background in HR. Partnering with a cybersecurity services provider or MSP can give you the tools you need to craft a solid employee technology policy. 

In this guide, we offer five steps to policy creation and review key factors to consider, including: 

  • Purpose.
  • Scope.
  • Usage. 
  • Security. 
  • Enforcement.

Step 1: Identify Your Purpose

The very first thing you need to do when writing your employee policy is to specify the purpose of the document. An employee technology policy defines the rules, regulations and guidelines for the proper usage, security and maintenance of the company’s technological assets including computers, mobile devices, servers, internet, applications, etc. 

It establishes guidelines for ethical and acceptable usage of the company’s IT infrastructure to ensure the safety, security and integrity of the data, products and/or services used by the company as well as of those offered to its customers.

Step 2: Determine the Policy Scope

Correctly defining the scope allows the IT managers to calculate the resources required for implementation as well as to establish controls and monitoring systems. The scope of your document gives a tangible objective for managers as well as the organization itself.

Think about the following questions when defining the scope:

  1. Who has to comply with this policy? Does it just apply to employees, or does it extend to contractors, vendors, etc?
  2. Which devices are included? Are they company-issued, personal devices, BYOD or all of the above?
  3. Which applications and tools are covered? Are they installed on company devices, personal devices or a combination of both?

Step 3: Usage

The usage policy is a comprehensive set of guidelines ensuring responsible, safe and legal use of all company-owned equipment, data and technology. Every employee must understand and adhere to these guidelines to promote a secure and compliant working environment. 

This can be further broken down into granular components, including devices, email, internet, social media and account management. 

  • The device usage policy outlines the allocation, conditions and responsibilities associated with company-owned devices. It addresses issues such as personal use, loss or theft procedures, replacement protocols and device return processes.
  • The email usage policy focuses on securing communication channels, covering personal and company devices, data confidentiality, email signatures and breach notification procedures.
  • The internet usage policy establishes rules for responsible Internet use, including personal usage stipulations, firewall circumvention prevention, content restrictions and privacy obligations. 
  • The social media policy regulates the organization’s online presence, defining authorized users, guidelines for personal social media use at work and account management policies. 
  • The account management section outlines the creation, management and classification of user accounts, emphasizing the need for documenting privileges, user groups and user classification for security and audit purposes.

Step 4: IT Security 

The IT security policy provides a condensed yet comprehensive guide for small companies, integrating crucial components within a larger employee technology policy framework. Physical security measures, including access restrictions and sign-in logs, play a key role in mitigating security risks. 

As an expert cybersecurity services provider, we know that well-defined tools, processes and procedures are needed to safeguard your organization’s computer network and cloud infrastructure against cyber threats.

  • Physical security: Access restrictions and sign-in logs mitigate physical security risks.
  • Network security: Special attention should be given to protecting computer networks, with an emphasis on penetration testing and strong password management practices.
  • Cybersecurity: Provisions cover software usage, data backup, disaster recovery, incident response, training, password policies, multi-factor authentication (MFA) and mobile device management (MDM) tools.
  • Audits: Regular IT security audits are essential for assessing and updating the security of the organization’s IT infrastructure.

Data Security Policy

The data security policy addresses the crucial aspect of handling sensitive information gathered during business operations. It emphasizes the need for policies on data collection, storage and handling to protect all parties involved from the risks of data breaches. 

For small businesses, covering fundamental aspects of data use, access and security is enough in most cases.

  • Scope and guidelines: Clearly define the policy’s scope, including who it applies to and the types of data covered. Set guidelines for storage, access, usage, modification and sharing, and ensure data accuracy, integrity and security.
  • Data security methods: Describe the methods in place, such as access control, authentication and monitoring, to ensure robust data security.

Step 5: Policy Enforcement and Sanctions

Your employee technology policy serves as a dynamic guide, critical for employees to refer to whenever there is uncertainty regarding the organization’s information technology infrastructure. The document shouldn’t be just a formality during onboarding, but a living document that’s consistently applied and updated. 

  • Enforcement mechanisms: Clearly articulate how your organization intends to enforce the policies outlined in the document. List tools, processes and procedures designed to ensure continuous compliance with the IT policy.
  • Sanctions for violations: Define potential actions the organization may take in case of willful breaches, categorizing breaches by risk levels (low, medium and high). Clearly outline sanctions for each category of breach, emphasizing fairness and proportionality.

Putting Your Employee Technology Policy Document Together

The process of crafting and implementing your employee technology policy document requires a user-friendly approach, employing language accessible to end-users. Avoid unnecessary tech jargon, making the tone formal, yet clear and conversational. 

Discourage the use of printed copies to prevent unauthorized edits or outdated versions, maintaining a centralized, read-only PDF file accessible to all.

Here are some other things to consider from a cybersecurity services provider:

  • Document as a living entity: Emphasize that the IT policy is a living document, continuously evolving. Incorporate cybersecurity awareness training sessions and refresher courses into the policy, engaging the entire organization in improvements and regular reviews every six months.
  • Digital accessibility and signatures: Discourage the use of printed copies and promote digital accessibility through a shared folder with read-only access. After training or workshops, ensure participant acknowledgment by obtaining their signatures on the policy, reinforcing a commitment to understanding and upholding its principles.

If you need help crafting an ideal employee technology policy, contact us or book a meeting. We’re here to help your business succeed.



OrlanTech is a managed service provider (MSP) that was founded in 1995 and is now the market leader in delivering technology-as-a-service to small and medium size businesses (SMB) in the central Florida area.

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