IT Office Moving Checklist: What You Need to Know

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Moving your office is an exciting yet daunting task, especially when it comes to managing your IT infrastructure. As an expert managed service provider, we’ve helped clients move in the past and understand the complexities involved, which is why we’ve put together this comprehensive office moving checklist to ensure a smooth transition for your business. 

Here are five essential steps you need to take to set up your new office space seamlessly.

Step 1: Setting Up Your Internet

The first, and arguably most important step of your office moving checklist, is setting up a new internet connection. Here are some key actions to consider:

  • Research and select an internet service provider (ISP) that offers suitable plans and coverage for your new location.
  • Coordinate with the chosen ISP to schedule installation dates well in advance of your move-in date. Confirm that connectivity will be established and fully functional before the move.
  • Test the internet speed and reliability of your new office space to ensure it meets the demands of your business operations.
  • Set up Wi-Fi networks and configure security settings to safeguard against unauthorized access.
  • Develop a contingency plan in case of any unforeseen issues or delays with the internet setup.
  • Provide employees with clear instructions on how to connect to the new network and troubleshoot common connectivity issues.

Step 2: Phone Service Setup

Maintaining communication during the move is vital for business continuity. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Choose a reliable VoIP service provider that offers a range of communication solutions tailored to your business needs.
  • If you have existing phone numbers, work with the provider to port them over to the new location to avoid disruptions in client communications.
  • Set up new phone lines if necessary and ensure they are configured correctly to handle incoming and outgoing calls.
  • Test phone lines and systems thoroughly to confirm they’re operational before the move, including voicemail and call forwarding features.
  • Provide employees with training on how to use any new phone systems or features implemented in the new office.
  • Update your contact information on all marketing materials, websites and directories to reflect the new phone numbers and addresses.

Step 3: Making Your Office Tech-Friendly

Have you considered adding “creating a tech-friendly environment” to your office moving checklist? A fully optimized space enhances productivity and efficiency across your team. 

Take these steps to transform your new workspace:

  • Invest in ergonomic office furniture and accessories to promote employee comfort and reduce the risk of injuries.
  • Implement cloud-based collaboration tools and project management software to facilitate seamless communication and collaboration among team members.
  • Install energy-efficient lighting and heating/cooling systems to reduce utility costs and minimize environmental impact.
  • Set up dedicated areas for IT equipment storage, such as server rooms or equipment closets, to keep hardware organized and secure.
  • Conduct training sessions or workshops to familiarize employees with any new technology or software introduced in the new office and maintain compliance.
  • Implement a system for regular maintenance and updates of IT equipment to ensure optimal performance and longevity.

Step 4: Figuring Out Network Equipment Needs

Your network infrastructure forms the backbone of your IT setup. Here’s how to address your network equipment requirements:

  • Conduct a comprehensive cybersecurity audit of your current network setup to identify any outdated or inefficient equipment that needs to be upgraded or replaced.
  • Plan the placement of routers, switches and access points strategically to ensure optimal coverage and performance throughout the office space.
  • Plan for enough electrical outlets and ensure that you have the correct type of electrical connections for your equipment.
  • Ensure that the area is able to be kept cool and have air conditioned ventilation. Heat will damage electrical equipment, so it is important to be proactive in your planning.
  • Consider investing in redundant network equipment and backup solutions to minimize downtime in the event of hardware failures or outages.
  • Implement network monitoring tools to track bandwidth usage, identify potential bottlenecks and proactively address performance issues.
  • Work with IT professionals or consultants to design and implement a robust network security strategy, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems and encryption protocols.
  • Develop a disaster recovery plan that outlines procedures for restoring network connectivity and data access in the event of a cyberattack or natural disaster.

Step 5: Scheduling/Planning Your Move

Proper planning and coordination are crucial for a successful office move. Follow these steps to streamline the process:

  • Create a detailed timeline that outlines key milestones and deadlines for each phase of the move, from planning and preparation to execution and post-move activities.
  • Delegate specific tasks and responsibilities to team members, ensuring that everyone knows their role and expectations.
  • Establish clear communication channels to facilitate collaboration and keep all stakeholders informed of progress and any changes to the plan.
  • Back up important data and ensure it’s securely transferred to the new location, using encrypted storage solutions and off-site backups where necessary.
  • Conduct a final walkthrough of the old office space to ensure that all equipment, furniture and personal belongings have been removed and any lease obligations fulfilled.
  • Celebrate the successful completion of the move with your team, acknowledging their hard work and dedication throughout the process.

Want More Guidance?

By following this IT office moving checklist, you can minimize downtime and ensure a seamless transition for your business. For more in-depth guidance and tips, download our official Office Moving Guide.

And, if you have any other questions about your technology transition, contact us or schedule a call with one of our IT experts today!



OrlanTech is a managed service provider (MSP) that was founded in 1995 and is now the market leader in delivering technology-as-a-service to small and medium size businesses (SMB) in the central Florida area.

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