Network Security Consulting & Auditing | Oviedo, FL

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Proudly serving Oviedo

OrlanTech is your trusted, local provider of network security consulting and auditing in the Oviedo, FL area. When you partner with us, you will get a provider that will understand your business and create a solution that meets the security needs of your business. Contact us today to speak to a network security consultant.

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Network security consulting and auditing services

Cybersecurity ranks as the number one threat to the global economy over the next 5-10 years, according to the CEO Imperative Study published in 2019.

Addressing serious threats to network security requires comprehensive defenses and recovery options. Proactive network security comes from the constant assessment necessary to protect your company’s assets.

The optimal framework defends your network against common threats and more obscure threats without overburdening staff. That frees your staff to use data that requires special handling by regulation and ensures access is tailored for compliance.

Network Security Consulting and Auditing Services

Defining the threats

Common threats to network security are not limited to malware, like worms, spyware, and ransomware, typically handled with anti-virus and malware software. Employees that fail to change or implement sophisticated passwords regularly pose serious threats from phishing attacks and scams.

In fact, not only your employees, but guests and contractors threaten the security of your intellectual property from theft or inappropriate use of sensitive information. Bringing your own device to work and Internet of Things (IoT) devices on the network, especially if invisible, contributes even more risks.

Clear visibility is vital in creating segmentation and remediation procedures. Many of these devices are hacked to launch distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks that can drown your systems into failure.

Network monitoring

Continuous risk assessments drive automated risk management that resolves threats found from network monitoring. Assessments are necessary across all access layers from wired, wireless and VPN connections, in all locations. This extends to all software and devices to thoroughly address all network security threats.

Network security software and hardware must detect, identify new users and devices, determine allowable access, automatically secure, and configure any software updates, including security patches necessary to maintain network security.

Over time, network monitoring of all devices and software is the best way to avoid threats and develop a secure network. With continuous evolution in network security to anticipate threats rather than react to threats, as well as growing visibility of all network elements, properly gauging the health and security preparedness against multiple types of cyber-threats is possible.

  • Proactive defense against threats

    From initial adoption and integration into your network, every device on your network must maintain the latest software updates and patches to keep the network and firewalls fortified. Data encryption, software maintenance and data backups ensure that any stolen data is useless to the hacker. Network segmentation contains damage from any malware or physical network attacks.
  • Education is protection

    Educating employees to spot phishing schemes and making them aware of complicated but subtle methods to infiltrate the network is vital. Communicating the threat awareness and costs related to failures in network security builds employee support and commitment to increasing password complexity, two-factor authentication, and other important password policies.
  • Auditing services

    Wireless networks supporting Internet of Things (IoT) and bring your own device (BYOD) mobile devices provide untethered agile and flexible working environments. The network brings increased productivity and employee satisfaction, but it also brings more vulnerability, and raises the risk of cyberattacks.

OrlanTech provides network security auditing services with intelligent network security that assesses network behavior, protects your company’s assets, and achieves regulatory compliance - without compromising productivity or employee satisfaction. Contact us today to learn more about our network security consulting and auditing services.

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